
To scaffold an app using create-t3-app, run any of the following commands and answer the command prompt questions:

Interface with a copyable invite URL and list of team members
npm create t3-app@latest

Create project

Run the init command to create a new Next.js project or to setup an existing one:

npx shadcn@latest init

Configure components.json

You will be asked a few questions to configure components.json:

Which style would you like to use? › New York
Which color would you like to use as base color? › Zinc
Do you want to use CSS variables for colors? › no / yes
✔ Preflight checks.
✔ Verifying framework. Found Next.js.
✔ Validating Tailwind CSS.
✔ Validating import alias.
✔ Writing components.json.
✔ Checking registry.
✔ Updating tailwind.config.ts
✔ Updating src\styles\globals.css
✔ Installing dependencies.
✔ Created 1 file:
  - src\lib\utils.ts

Success! Project initialization completed.
You may now add components.

That's it

Installation next-mdx-remote

npm install next-mdx-remote

If using with Turbopack, you'll need to add the following to your next.config.js until this issue is resolved:

const nextConfig = {
+  transpilePackages: ['next-mdx-remote'],


// src\components\mdx-components.tsx
import { type MDXComponents } from "mdx/types"
import { MDXRemote, type MDXRemoteProps } from "next-mdx-remote/rsc"

const components: MDXComponents = {}

const options: MDXRemoteProps["options"] = {}

interface MdxProps {
  content: string
  className?: string

export function Mdx({ content, className }: MdxProps) {
  return (
    <div className={cn("mdx", className)}>
      <MDXRemote components={components} options={options} source={content} />

export async function getStaticProps() {
  // MDX text - can be from a local file, database, anywhere
  const source = "Some **mdx** text, with a component <Test />"
  const mdxSource = await serialize(source)
  return { props: { source: mdxSource } }
npm i -D npm i next-mdx-remote next-themes
// src\components\mdx-components.tsx
const options: MDXRemoteProps["options"] = {
  mdxOptions: {
    remarkPlugins: [remarkGfm],
    rehypePlugins: [
      () => tree => {
        visit(tree, node => {
          if (node?.type === "element" && node?.tagName === "pre") {
            const [codeEl] = node.children
            if (codeEl.tagName !== "code") {
            node.__rawString__ = codeEl.children?.[0].value
          keepBackground: false,
          theme: "github-dark-dimmed",
          onVisitLine(node) {
            // Prevent lines from collapsing in `display: grid` mode, and allow empty
            // lines to be copy/pasted
            if (node.children.length === 0) {
              node.children = [{ type: "text", value: " " }]
          onVisitHighlightedLine(node) {
   = ["line--highlighted"]
          onVisitHighlightedChars(node) {
   = ["chars--highlighted"]
        } satisfies RehypePrettyCodeOptions,
      () => tree => {
        visit(tree, node => {
          if (node?.type === "element" && node?.tagName === "figure") {
            if (!("data-rehype-pretty-code-figure" in {

            const preElement =
            if (preElement.tagName !== "pre") {

   = node.__rawString__
          properties: {
            className: ["subheading-anchor"],
            ariaLabel: "Link to section",

interface MdxProps {
  content: string
  className?: string

export function Mdx({ content, className }: MdxProps) {
  return (
    <div className={cn("mdx", className)}>
        source={content} />

npm i -D gray-matter remark remark-gfm mdast-util-toc rehype-pretty-code rehype-slug rehype-autolink-headings unist-builder unist-util-visit

Rehype Component

npm i -D unist-builder unist-util-visit

👇 create file and copy

// src\lib\rehype-component.ts
import fs from "fs"
import { u } from "unist-builder"
import { visit } from "unist-util-visit"

import { Index } from "~/__demo__"
import { type UnistNode, type UnistTree } from "~/types/unist"

export function rehypeComponent() {
  return async (tree: UnistTree) => {
    visit(tree, (node: UnistNode) => {
      // src prop overrides both name and fileName.
      if ( === "ComponentPreview") {
        const name = getNodeAttributeByName(node, "name")?.value as string

        if (!name) {
          return null

        try {
          const component = Index[name as keyof typeof Index]
          const filePath = component.files[0]?.path

          // Read the source file.
          const source = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8")

          // Add code as children so that rehype can take over at build time.
            u("element", {
              tagName: "pre",
              properties: {
                __src__: filePath,
              children: [
                u("element", {
                  tagName: "code",
                  properties: {
                    className: ["language-tsx"],
                  children: [
                      type: "text",
                      value: source,
        } catch (error) {

function getNodeAttributeByName(node: UnistNode, name: string) {
  return node.attributes?.find(attribute => === name)